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How do you germinate hemp seeds?

We've included in the box, several different methods of seed germination (sprouting), so that you can try each method for yourself. Learning how to grow Hemp successfully is the goal.

Generally fresh seeds commonly germinate in 3-5 days. When seeds have been stored refrigerated it can take up to 7 days for them to sprout. Soak the seed in distilled (clorine and flouride free) water for a few hours then place them between layers of moist paper towels in a covered tray.

1) How To Start Hemp Seeds in Peat Pots?
Fill them to the top with seed-raising mix making sure to take out any bigger pieces that may obstruct the young shoot as it emerges.

2) How To Start Hemp Seeds in Hemp Fiber Cubes?
Soak the cubes in Ph adjusted water/nutrient solution. Place seed in the hole (at the top of the cube). Place in a warm humid environment until the seeds germinate. Transplant once true leaves are established or roots penetrating cube. Note: Hemp fiber is an inert material and will not provide nutrients to your plant.

3) How To Start Seeds in Bio-degradable Starter Bags?
Fill them to the top with seed-raising mix making sure to take out any bigger pieces that may obstruct the young shoot as it emerges.

4) How To Start Hemp Seeds in the provided fiber pellets?
Place pellets in a tray, or in a small bowl, or desert glass with the "dimple" side up. Gradually add warm water to tray (bowl, glass, etc), until pellets expand 1-1 1/2 inches tall, with soft material inside. Pour off excess water.

Place 1-2 seeds in the "dimple", sow the seeds in the material twice the thickness of the seed. Cover with soil.

Set in a bright, warm location. Keep moist during germination. Transplant after roots penetrate the fiber, and/or are visible.

4a) Check out this Hemp Seed YouTube video:

More information and alternative ways to germinate seeds:

5) How To Start Hemp Seeds in Paper Towels?
Check out this Hemp Seed YouTube video:

6) How to Germinate a CBD Hemp Seed?
Check out this Hemp Seed YouTube video:

You should observe seeds sprouting in about five to seven days. The biggest drawback to the paper towel method is that the delicate, sprouted seeds must be transplanted manually to soil or another moisture-holding medium such as vermiculite. The main root is very delicate and should not be touched.

Important piece of information about having your water/nutrient solution in the correct PH range. (between 6.0- 7.0 in soil, 5.5-6.5 in coco fiber pellets/Hemp fiber cubes/hydroponics/paper towels).

If your water is too acidic or too high in alkaline, your plants will struggle to absorb the relevant nutrients they need to promote healthy and vibrant growth. This results in a stressed and physically weak plant that will be susceptible to other pests and problems due to deficiencies and overall crappy immune system.

Sowing Seeds:

soil temperature above 50°F, in Full-Sun (6-8 hours of sunlight a day), and well drained soil is ideal. Upon planting, follow with a deep watering to promote germination. You should be able to see seed-sprouts emerge anywhere between 5-10 days although some seeds can take as long as two weeks.

should observe seeds sprouting in about five to seven days. The biggest drawback to the paper towel method is that the delicate, sprouted seeds must be transplanted manually to soil or another moisture-holding medium such as vermiculite. The main root is very delicate and should not be touched.

For more detailed information and videos, use these Google search terms to help your educational journey. Have fun!

1) Hemp Seed Germination

2) Cannabis Seed Germination

4) Hemp Seed Germination with Peat Pots

5) Hemp Seed Germination with Coco Fiber Pellets

6) Hemp Seed Germination direct to Soil

Germinating Hemp seeds - Problems raising seedlings:

Problems can occur during germination. Here is a list of some of the more common reasons why your seeds may not be doing so well.

Too wet
Seeds need to be damp, not too wet for germination. Excess water prevents oxygen from getting to the seed. Poorly drained soils may also cause soil fungus diseases. The condition of wet soils may be improved by adding perlite (use in pots only), which will aerate your soil. Make sure any trays or pots you use have holes in the bottom to let the excess water drain.

Too dry
A certain amount of water is essential for germination, so maintaining constant soil moisture during the germination period is vital. Spray the soil surface with a fine mist, or cover containers with glass or a damp cloth to prevent your soil drying out. Make sure you remove the cloth once the shoot emerges.

Too hot
High temperatures result in excessive soil desiccation (breakdown) and injury to seeds and seedlings. We recommend a constant temp of 68-75 degrees.

Too cold
Cold temperatures can kill seedlings and prevent germination. Cool temperatures can result in slow, uneven germination, and attack by soil diseases. If growing outside, you may want to start your seeds indoors, before outdoor planting. Make sure planting is not done too early when there is still a chance of frost.

Too shallow
If you sow your seeds too shallowly the seeds can dry out. A depth of between 1/2 to 3/4 inch deep, (.5 to 1cm) is about right.

Soil too firm
Making your soil mix too firm (do not pack the soil, use loose soil) can prevent oxygen from getting to your seeds and drainage can be affected. Tamp freshly covered seeds lightly with your fingers.

Soil too loose
Soil that's too loose results in too much air surrounding the seed. Seeds planted in this manner will not absorb moisture properly, and it's likely they'll dry out. Cover freshly sown seeds with fine mix and tamp down lightly with your fingers. 

Soil fungus
Seeds may rot, or the young seedlings may fall over. Overwatering, poor drainage and lack of aeration will increase the likelihood of this occurring. Plant seeds in sterilized potting mix, and make sure your containers are clean.

Non-viable seed
If your seeds have not been stored correctly they can deteriorate. Look for darker seeds that are a little bigger, without cracks or chips. Any seeds that look shriveled or wrinkled should be discarded, as this means the seed has dehydrated and is dead.

Growing the Hemp seedlings:

Germinating Hemp seeds - Growing the Hemp seedlings: As soon as the seedlings have germinated they need light. The food store supplied by the seed itself has all but been used up, and the plant needs light to photosynthesize and grow.

When growing Hemp in the vegetative stage you may choose how long you wish to keep the lights on, as long as it's 18 hours or more. The advantages are that plants will grow faster with 24 hours light, and a constant temperature is easier to maintain this way, something hugely beneficial to young seedlings. Disadvantages are that you'll need to water more, of course, your lamps and ballasts don't get a break, and the electricity bill increases.

Some people advise keeping young seedlings under fluorescent lighting for a while but this doesn't provide them with the correct spectrum for photosynthesis. It is best in our opinion to place seedlings directly under low wattage H.P.S lamps, 150/250/ or 400 watts, at a good distance away.

Once the plants are a few days growing they need to be moved closer to the lamps in order to prevent stretching. Move them as close to the lamp as the tops of many plants would be comfortable. (30-60cm depending on the lamp size.)

Make sure a breeze (oscillating fan) is blowing over the young plants, primarily so they don't overheat, but furthermore to help strengthen delicate stems by stimulating cellulose production. Spindly stems cannot support heavy flowering growth. The importance of your internal air circulation cannot be stressed enough. It will exercise your plants and make them grow stronger while reducing many hazards that could ruin your crop.

Now that the plants have strong light they require more water and nutrients as well. A light organic feed or nutrient solution starting with an E.C of no more than .8 (with the water already at .5) can be sprayed directly on the plant and watered into the soil. The seed-raising mix contains no nutrients so within a few days the plants will be hungry.

Young seedlings love humidity, and a constant 60-70% is ideal at this stage. Use a cheap mister bottle, and spray regularly freshwater (ph- 6.5-7.5) over the leaves. This increases humidity, and washes dirt and dust off the leaf surface, unclogging stomata and enabling the plant to breathe properly. In natural
conditions, the rain would do this for us.

Lighting, temperature & humidity:

Germinating Hemp seeds - Lighting, temperature & humidity: Set the tray under either fluorescent lighting or a low-wattage H.P.S. to keep the newly planted seeds warm. At this stage no light is necessary but warmth is important, and low light provides this without drying the pots out. An air temp of 68-72F (20-22C) is ideal, a degree or two lower than the soil temp, ideal temp is 73.5F (around 23C). Humidity if regulated can be set for around 60%.